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Blocking of information and transmission in the population register Entry

Would you like to prevent the registration authority from transmitting your data to parties or address book publishers or your age or marriage anniversary? You can appeal against this.

Under certain conditions, an information block can be entered in the population register.

Your responsible authority

Please enter a town (or postcode) where you are looking for the service search place
  • Detailed description

    Upon request, the registration authority transmits data to parties, address book publishers and in connection with age or marriage anniversaries. There is the possibility of objection to this data transfer. The objection prevents these data transfers.

    In principle, anyone can obtain information from the population register about a specific person upon request. However, you can have a block on information entered in the population register if you, as the person concerned or another person, could pose a danger to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection by disclosing your address.

    The blocking of information only has an effect on inquiries from the private sector (private individuals, companies, lawyers and the like). Authorities and other public bodies will continue to receive information, but they will be expressly informed of this fact.

  • Requirements

    Transmission blocks against data transfers to parties, to address book publishers and in connection with age or marriage anniversaries can be entered without prerequisites.

    For a ban on information, there must be facts that justify the assumption that the person concerned or another person may be endangered by a population register information to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection.

  • Documents
    • Informal application in writing or for the record,
    • Evidence to substantiate the information on the hazardous situation.
  • Fees


  • Process

    Applications for transmission blocks against data transfers to parties, to address book publishers and in connection with age or marriage anniversaries are immediately entered in the population register without further examination.

    Evidence may have to be submitted in order to apply for an information block. After checking the legal requirements, the applicant will receive a notification as to whether an information block has been entered or whether the application has been rejected. Information blocks are registered for a maximum of 2 years and must be applied for again, provided that the requirements continue to exist.

  • Duration

    For delivery locks immediately. For information blocks, 1 to 3 weeks.

  • Deadline

    None for delivery locks.

    The information ban ends after 2 years and can be extended upon request.

  • Responsible authority

    Registration authority responsible for the current address

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior and Local Government, Ref. 23

  • Approved date