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List of architects Registration of partner company

Apply for registration of a partnership company in the register of companies of the state of Brandenburg

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Applications can be submitted in writing to the Chamber of Architects at any time.

  • Detailed description

    Professional titles, additions or word combinations according to § 1 (BbgArchG) may be used in the name of a partnership company, partnership company with limited professional liability or in the company name of a corporation if the company is entered in a special register at the Chamber of Architects (list of companies) or is entitled to do so as an external company according to § 8 (BbgArchG). Upon registration, the company does not become a member of the Chamber of Architects.

  • Requirements

    In the register of companies of the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, partnership companies are entered upon application that

    • have their registered office or branch office in the State of Brandenburg,
    • have at least one member of the Chamber of Architects as a partner,
    • oblige the company and its members of the Chamber of Architects to comply with the applicable professional obligations in the articles of association, and
    • have taken out professional indemnity insurance.

    Professional indemnity insurance must cover personal injury of at least 1,500,000 euros and other damages of at least 300,000 euros. It must contain a five-year subsequent liability.

  • Documents
    • For proof of the entrepreneurial legal form:
      • If the company is based in Germany:
      • If the company is based abroad: documents from the country of domicile that prove the legal form.
    • Proof of professional indemnity insurance according to §10 BbgArchG (copy of insurance certificate)
    • Proof of eligibility to use the professional title
    • List of all shareholders and companies with details of their respective professional affiliation
    • Copy of deposit slip
  • Fees

    Application fee to the register of companies: 510,00 €

  • Process

    Registration is made upon request. The application for registration of a partner company must be submitted by the partner entitled to use the professional title.

    The Chamber of Architects shall acknowledge receipt of the documents and certificates to the applicant within one month and, if necessary, inform the applicant of the documents and certificates that are missing. A decision on the application will be taken within three months of receipt of the complete dossier.

    The registration committee decides on the entry in the list of architects. The registration committee consists of the chairperson and the required number of assessors. The registration committee decides in the composition of the chairperson or his or her representative and four owners, of whom at least two assessors must belong to the applicant's specialty.

  • Duration

    within three months of receipt of the complete dossier

  • Deadline

    3-month period

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Architects

  • Legal basis
  • More information

    Further information on the registration procedure can be obtained from the office of the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects.

  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date