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Birth certificate issuance for home births

The birth certificate proves the birth of a person, his first and last names, as well as the details of the parents. You can have a birth certificate issued on the basis of the birth register kept in the relevant registry office.

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  • Detailed description

    On the basis of the notarization made in the register of births, you can apply to obtain a birth certificate for home birth.

    The birth certificate proves the birth of a person, his first and last names, as well as the details of the parents. You can have a birth certificate issued on the basis of the birth register kept in the relevant registry office. The birth certificate is issued by the registry office that certified the birth. If the birth is recorded in the electronic civil status register of a registry office in Brandenburg, it is also possible to obtain the birth certificate from any other Brandenburg registry office.

  • Requirements

    Civil status certificates contain personal data, so their issuance is subject to data protection restrictions.

    Eligible applicants (minimum age: 16 years):

    • the person to whom the birth certificate refers
    • the spouse or civil partner (within the meaning of the Registered Civil Partnership Act)
    • Ancestors and descendants of the person concerned
    • Siblings with a legitimate interest

    Other persons, including close relatives such as aunts and uncles, only receive a certificate if they can credibly demonstrate a legal interest (for example, by means of a letter from the probate court).

  • Documents

    To apply for a birth certificate, you will need:

    • Your identity card or passport (in case of written application: certified copy),
    • in the case of application or collection by a representative: written power of attorney of the authorized person, his identity card or passport (original or certified copy) and the identity card or passport of the representative,
      for other persons, where appropriate, proof of their legal interest.
  • Fees

    There are fees for issuing a birth certificate:

    First copy: 10 €

    If applied for at the same time, each additional copy: 5 € each

  • Process

    You will receive the birth certificate upon request.

    Personal application:

    • Go to the registry office that certified the birth.
    • You will need to present your identity card or passport for legitimation.
    • As a rule, you pay the fee when you apply at the registry office.

    In addition to you, a person you trust may also order and collect the certificate for you. In addition to a written power of attorney, she will present your identity card or passport (original or certified copy) and your own identity card or passport.

    Application by post or fax:

    • Send an informal letter to the responsible registry office with the request to issue you with a birth certificate.
    • Your letter should include the following information:
      • Last name, first name
      • Date and place of birth
      • Surname, first name of parents
      • if known: registry office and notarization number
    • Attach a certified copy of your identity card or passport to the letter.

    When you send the certificate, you will receive a fee notice.

    Depending on the offer of the registry office, you can also submit the application online.

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    Civil registry office responsible for the place of birth

  • Legal basis

    Ordinance on fees for public services in the portfolio of the Minister of the Interior and Local Government – Geb OMIK

  • Pointer

    A birth certificate may also be issued on a multilingual form, in particular for use abroad (International Birth Certificate under the Convention of 8 September 1976 on the Issuance of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Books). You can use these abroad without translation. You can have an international birth certificate issued at the registry office that certified your birth.

  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior and Local Government, Ref.23

  • Approved date