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Information on local boards and local advisory councils

Are regional districts formed? How are they demarcated and who presides over them?

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    In Brandenburg, municipalities can divide all or part of their territory into districts. The main statute determines whether districts are formed and how they are demarcated. The districts are often formerly independent municipalities, which were merged or incorporated in the course of a municipal reform.

    The territorial change agreement or the main statutes can determine whether a local advisory council or a local leader (district representation) is elected in the district or whether the district is formed without district representation.

    If a local leader is elected, this person represents the interests of the district vis-à-vis the bodies of the municipality. He or she is nominated for election by the local advisory council from a circle of honorary (female or male) aldermen and elected by the citizens living in the district.

  • Legal basis