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Blocking of information and transmission in the population register Entry of information block

Under certain conditions, an information block can be entered in the population register.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    A block on information in the population register is only entered under strict conditions.

    For this purpose, you must credibly demonstrate that you or another person may be endangered by a population register information to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection.

  • Requirements
    • In order to block information, you must credibly demonstrate to the local registration authority valid reasons that make it clear that you or other persons are at risk.
    • A check of your information must confirm the danger you have invoked.
  • Documents
    • Informal application in writing or for the record,
    • Evidence to substantiate the information on the hazardous situation.
  • Fees


  • Process

    It is advisable that you contact the competent authority before applying and find out whether a block is possible in your case.

    The information block will be entered upon request. When submitting your application, you must present facts and credibly demonstrate why you may be endangered by providing information to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection. The application can be made in writing or in person by visiting the authority.

    Subsequently, your information will be checked by the competent authority. If this check shows that the relevant requirements are met, an information block for 2 years is noted in the population register, which relates to all types of population register information to private individuals and non-public bodies.

    The block only applies to the apartment for which it was requested.

    You can have the information block extended after the time has elapsed.

  • Duration

    1 to 3 weeks

  • Deadline

    The information ban ends after 2 years and can be extended upon request.

  • Responsible authority

    Registration authority responsible for the current address

  • Legal basis

    51 General Administrative Regulation for the Implementation of the Federal Registration Act (BMGVwV)

  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)

  • Approved date