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Notification of the commencement of work as an audit expert for fire protection

If you would like to be recognised as a test expert or test expert for safety-related building equipment in the field of fire protection at the State Chamber of Engineers, you can apply for this in writing, providing proof of the necessary requirements.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Form: The application form for recognition as a test expert recognised by the building authorities can be found under https://www.bbik.de/fileadmin/Dateien/oeffentlich/Allgemeine_Dokumente/Antraege_und_Anmeldungen/Antrag_Anerkennung_PSV_20082019.pdf

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required. Yes

    Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    The Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers as the recognition authority decides on the application for recognition as an examination expert or test expert in the state of Brandenburg. On the basis of the submitted documents in accordance with § 5 BbgPrüfSV, this checks the personal and professional requirements of the applicant.

    The application for recognition must contain the departments and disciplines for which recognition is sought. In addition , previous recognition procedures in these departments or disciplines, including in another country to which the applicant has already unsuccessfully undergone, may have to be proven.

  • Requirements
    • Professional university degree from a degree in architecture, building construction, civil engineering or similar
    • Proof of at least 2 years of activity as an engineer in the field of safety-related building equipment, Fire Protection Department
    • Knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations
    • Proof of professional indemnity insurance (not older than 3 months, minimum coverage amount §10 BgbIngG
  • Documents

    With a completed written application, the following documents must be submitted:

    • Curriculum vitae with complete indication of the professional career up to the time of application
    • one copy of the diplomas and one copy of the certificates of employment
    • proof of the application for a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority (document type O or P) or an equivalent document from a Member State of the European Union, where proof or document should not be older than three months
    • Information on the place of business and any other branches
    • Information about a possible participation in a company whose purpose is the planning or implementation of construction projects
    • proof of fulfilment of the special requirements for recognition in accordance with § 5 paragraph 4 BbgPrüfSV in the respective specialist areas or disciplines
  • Fees

    Examination of the formal recognition requirements as an examiner: 500 EUR

  • Process

    Recognition shall be effected upon written request.

    • Download the form online and print it out.
    • Fill in the form and add the necessary evidence.
    • Submit the application to the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers.
    • The application is processed by the Registration Committee (which may provide explanations or requests for subsequent submission of documents).
    • You will then receive a notification from the Registration Committee by post.
  • Duration

    at least 3 months

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date