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Age and marriage anniversary

Congratulations on age and marriage anniversaries

Your responsible authority

Please enter a town (or postcode) where you are looking for the service search place
  • Detailed description

    The Prime Minister speaks to married couples

    • for the Diamond Wedding (60th anniversary of marriage),
    • for the Iron Wedding (65th anniversary of marriage),
    • for the grace wedding (70th anniversary of marriage)
    • and the Crown Jewel Wedding (75th anniversary of marriage)

    as well as age anniversaries on the completion of the 100th, 105th and each further year of life with a certificate his congratulations.
    The Federal President congratulates on the 100th, 105th and every following birthday as well as on the occasion of the 65th, the 70th and the 75th wedding anniversary.

    The preparations for the discussion of age and marriage anniversaries are carried out by the municipality in which the couple or the jubilee is resident. The certificate is drawn up on the basis of the population register by virtue of an office. The State Chancellery is responsible for drawing up the certificate presented by the Prime Minister, and the Federal Office of Administration is responsible for the certificate presented by the Federal President.
    So there is no need for you as a citizen to take action.

    These are services to which there is no entitlement.

  • Requirements

    Permanent residence of the jubilees in the Federal Republic of Germany (congratulations by the Federal President);

    Permanent residence of the jubilees in the state of Brandenburg (congratulations by the Prime Minister)

  • Process

    The cities and municipalities report the anniversary dates to the Federal Office of Administration (congratulations by the Federal President) and/or to the State Chancellery (congratulations by the Prime Minister).

    There, the corresponding documents are issued and sent to the jubilees or handed over personally by officials.

  • Responsible authority

    (for the Prime Minister)

    State Chancellery of the State of Brandenburg

    Protocol Unit

  • Legal basis

    Since there is no entitlement to the aforementioned service, there are only legal bases within the administration to ensure the transfer of data:

  • Approved

    (for the Prime Minister)

    State Chancellery of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date