Leistungen A-Z


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Change of personal data

If you receive BAföG, you must notify the BVA of certain changes to your person.

Your responsible authority

Please enter a town (or postcode) where you are looking for the service search place
  • Forms
  • Detailed description

    You can apply for and receive the BAföG from your local education funding office. However, the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) is responsible for the repayment of the BAföG loan portion after your studies.

    For this purpose, the offices for educational grants transmit your data only once to the BVA. There, an electronic file is created and your loan account is set up.

    You must notify the BVA of any changes to your name or address yourself. This can be done in writing or digitally via BAföG-Online via "change notification".

    If you fail to do so, you will have to pay a lump sum of 25 euros for the expense of determining your address.

  • Requirements
    • You have received BAföG,
    • Or receive BAföG
    • There are changes in the following personal circumstances
    • Name
    • Address
  • Documents

    Message (also possible informally)

  • Fees


  • Process

    You can easily and conveniently submit name changes or your new address via the online portal. You have the option of either registering with your e-mail address and then logging in via e-mail and password, or logging in using your ID card with activated online ID function (eID).
    If you register by e-mail, a change form is available; if you register by eID, you can immediately update the data currently stored in the BVA yourself.

    You can submit any applications and other notifications online and upload documents during the entire repayment procedure for both registration options.
    Registration with an ID card offers you additional services such as daily updated account and file access. You can find the full scope of services for registration with ID card and eID on the BVA homepage.

  • Deadline

    You must notify the change without delay.

  • Responsible authority

    Federal Office of Administration (BVA)

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitalization of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

  • Approved date