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Apply for an extended training period or part-time training

If there are issues with vocational training, in case of failing the final exam or for a part-time training, you can apply for extending your training period.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms
    • Forms: Application for extension of training period
    • Online procedure: Available in some cases
    • Written form requirement as per German Civil Code Art.126: Yes
    • Appearance in person required: No

    The competent authority in your region provides all the necessary forms to download from its website.

  • Detailed description

    There are three main reasons for extending the duration of training:

    1. Extension for exceptional reasons

    There may be many different personal or educational reasons for an extension of the training period. An extension of the training period must be justified by serious reasons. Examples might be prolonged periods of illness, serious deficiencies in the training, maternity or parental leave.

    1. Extension due to failure to pass the final examination

    If the candidate fails the final examination, he/she has the right to apply for an extension of the training period until the next possible date to re-sit the examination. The maximum term for this extension is one year.

    1. Part-time training

    The regular training period is extended for part-time training programmes. The agreement on part-time training is part of the contractual training arrangement; it can be agreed at the beginning of the course of training, or, for a limited period, during the course of training. The principle is:

    • The reduction of daily or weekly training hours may not exceed 50 percent of a fulltime traineeship.
    • The training period is extended pro rata, but may not exceed 1.5 times the regular duration.

    If an extension of the training period is granted, it may mean that the end of part-time training does not coincide with the central examination dates. At the trainee's request, an extension may be granted up to the next possible examination date.

    You must make your application to the authority responsible for your training. Depending on the particular occupation, this may be the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Agriculture or another chamber.

  • Requirements

    Extension for exceptional reasons:

    • prolonged illness causing the candidate to miss much of the content either in the vocational school classes or practical work in the company
    • physical or mental disability
    • pregnancy and/or parental leave
    • very poor results in the interim examination, so that successful completion of the training in the regular period is not to be expected.

    If the extension is granted because of a failed final examination:

    • failed final examination
    • consent to the extension by the training company

    For part-time training:

    • agreement on parttime training with the training company

    In the case of minors, the consent of the legal guardians is required, irrespective of the reason for the extension.

  • Documents
    • Amending agreement
    • For parttime training: training agreement
    • Extension for exceptional reasons: evidence (if required) of reasons to justify the extension
  • Fees

    No additional processing costs are incurred for an application for a time extension. Any such costs are included in the calculation of the training / supervision fees.

  • Process

    You apply to the competent authority for an extension of the duration of training. The procedure differs according to the reason for extending the training time:

    In cases of exceptional reasons:

    • You make the application for the extension of your training period.
    • It is reviewed upon receipt and your training employer is asked for their views. In individual cases, the vocational school may also be asked to give an opinion.
    • You and your training employer will receive a confirmation of amendment.

    Part-time training:

    • You may make the request to reduce the total training period due to parttime training together with the request to register your training arrangement at the beginning of your training.
    • You will usually receive confirmation of parttime training together with the confirmation that your training arrangement has been registered.

    Extension due to failed examination:

    • Immediately after receiving notice of failing to pass the examination, you apply for extension of the training period due to failing the exam.
    • The company providing your training must agree to the extension.
    • You and the company providing your training receive confirmation of the change.
  • Duration

    Provided the documents presented are complete, requests are usually processed within six weeks.

  • Deadline

    If you wish to apply for an extension or request an amendment, you must do so before the end of the regular training period or immediately after receiving notice of failure to pass the examination.

  • Responsible authority

    In the state of Brandenburg:

    IHK Potsdam, IHK Ostbrandenburg, IHK Cottbus

    HwK Potsdam, HwK Frankfurt (Oder) Region Ostbrandenburg, HwK Cottbus

  • Point of contact

    Training advisors at the IHK, HwK

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    The procedure can only be carried out in German

  • More information

    Further information about vocational training in Germany www.ihk.de/ausbildung (German only)

  • Approved

    Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag