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Social welfare benefits for children and adolescents at risk of development and with disabilities

If you need help with your livelihood and do not have health insurance – statutory or private – the social welfare institution will provide health assistance. These include: ...

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    If you need help with your livelihood and do not have health insurance – statutory or private – the social welfare institution will provide health assistance.

    These include:

    • Support and advice for parents
    • Childcare services and care services
    • Medical treatments
    • Therapies such as speech promotion and physical activity
    • Checkups
    • Everyday accompaniment
  • Requirements

    Health assistance is provided to persons who:

    - who do not have statutory or adequate private health insurance,

    - the provision of services via the health insurance company is out of the question

    - and who cannot reasonably be expected to raise the funds for the necessary assistance from income and assets.

  • Documents

    - Application for health assistance

    - Identity card or passport (or other documents that can identify the person beyond doubt)

    Information on the documents required in individual cases will be provided by the competent social welfare institution.

  • Responsible authority

    The social welfare office of the district or the independent city is responsible

  • Approved

    Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Equality

  • Approved date