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Driving license for categories B and BE for accompanied driving from the age of 17

If you participate in the "accompanied driving from 17" program, you can drive a class B and BE vehicle in Germany before your 18th birthday under certain conditions. In this case, you must always be accompanied by a previously appointed and suitable person.

Your responsible authority


Karl-Marx-Str. 69
PLZ Ort:
03044 Cottbus/Chóśebuz
  • Detailed description

    You can drive a vehicle in classes B and BE (passenger car) in Germany at the age of 17 if you have passed the driving test and are accompanied by an approved and previously appointed person. On the date of your 18th birthday, you may drive the vehicle unaccompanied.

    On the other hand, if you drive a vehicle before your 18th birthday without being accompanied by a named person, your driver's license will be revoked. In addition, there will be a fine, a point in the driving suitability register, the extension of the probationary period and the ordering of an advanced training seminar.

  • Fees

    • The fee is based on the Fee Regulations for Road Traffic Measures (GebOSt).
    • If the driver's license is sent directly to the home address, an additional shipping fee will be charged.
  • Point of contact

    Contact the driving license authority of the district or city in which you have your main residence.

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV)

  • Approved date