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Library card issue for legal entities

You will receive a library card for legal entities immediately after registering in a library.

Your responsible authority

Please enter a town (or postcode) where you are looking for the service search place
  • Forms

    Forms: Registration form
    Online procedure possible: partially
    Written form required: partial
    Personal appearance required: partial

  • Detailed description

    If you have registered in a library through a natural person, you will immediately receive a library card in person or sent it by post. The card allows up to three authorised representatives to borrow or order books or media in a library and to make use of any other library services. The ID card must be presented for each loan.
    Note: The validity of the library card is limited in time (e.g. 12 months), so you must apply for an extension if necessary.

  • Requirements

    legal entity within the meaning of the legislation

  • Documents
    • Valid identity card or passport with current registration certificate from the responsible registration office or other official ID with residence information
    • Possibly. written proof of signing authority
  • Process

    A library card for legal entities is available after prior registration:

    • Submit the application documents to the library.
    • In addition, provide the application form with a service or company stamp and the signatures of a maximum of three authorized persons.
    • Pay the usage fee.
    • You will then receive the library card immediately on site or by post within a few days.
  • Duration
    • personally on site: about 15 minutes
    • by post: maximum 10 days
  • Responsible authority

    the respective library

  • Legal basis

    Terms of use of the respective library

    Schedule of fees of the respective library

  • Pointer
    • Loss of ID card or changes to personal data must be reported immediately to the library.
    • The card remains the property of the library.
  • Approved

    Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date