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Popular sport promotion

Funding opportunities for popular and recreational sports in the state of Brandenburg for registered sports clubs

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Form forms on the website of the MBJS under Sports Promotion

    Online procedure possible: currently no

    Written form required: yes

    Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    The promotion of sport is a significant contribution to the positive development of sport in the state of Brandenburg. The constitution of the state of Brandenburg (Article 35) says: "Sport is a part of life worthy of promotion. The promotion of sport by the state, the municipalities and associations of municipalities is aimed at a balanced and needs-based relationship between popular sport and top-class sport. It should take into account the special needs of pupils, students, seniors and people with disabilities". Further details are regulated in the Law on Sports Promotion in the State of Brandenburg.

    In principle, grants for project funding may only be granted for projects that have not yet begun. As a rule, a project is started when contracts have been concluded relating to the execution of the project. Donations may only be granted to recipients for whom proper management appears to be ensured and who are able to prove that the funds have been used as intended. This requires orderly accounting and sufficiently qualified staff.

    In the case of grants for construction measures and procurement, the recipient must also guarantee the proper use and maintenance of the corresponding buildings or objects from a financial point of view. This special approval requirement is intended to support and secure the sustainability of the funding project.

  • Requirements

    Sports club in the state of Brandenburg, complete application documents

  • Documents

    Application documents of the applicant (statutes, financial plan, exemption notice, extract from the register of associations)

  • Process

    Application in the MBJS, application review, decision, implementation, billing/proof of use

  • Duration

    Not definable

  • Deadline

    Application deadlines at least 6 weeks before the measure

  • Responsible authority

    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg

    Division 2, Unit 24

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

    Unit 24

  • Approved date