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Execution permit for mobile structures

Execution permit for mobile structures

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  • Forms

    Written form requirement, no online procedure

  • Detailed description

    Floating structures are structures that are suitable and intended to be repeatedly erected and dismantled in different places. They require an execution permit (e.g. tent halls, carousels). This is issued by the Testing Centre for Flying Structures (TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH, Berlin regional area).

    The execution permit is granted for a limited period (up to five years) after successful examination of the submitted documents including initial acceptance. It may be extended on request. The execution permit, its extensions and all associated documents are summarized in a bound test book, which accompanies the flying construction at all installation locations.

  • Requirements

    Before the execution permit is granted, the flying structure must be set up for testing. The trial installation may be dispensed with if it is not necessary for assessing the stability or operational safety of the mobile structure.

  • Documents

    The application for an execution permit must be accompanied by the necessary building documents in duplicate.

    (a) construction and operating specifications;

    b) construction drawings on paper, on fabric or of equivalent material (clear representation of the entire installation, for example on a scale of 1 : 100 or 1 : 50),

    (c) individual drawings of the load-bearing components and their connections, for example on a scale of 1 : 10 or 1 : 5;

    d) structural static verifications as well as safety verifications of mechanical parts and electrical installations,

    (e) schematics for electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic components or equipment;

    (f) drawings of the layout of escape routes and their dimensions, with mathematical evidence for tents with more than 400 visitor seats.

  • Fees

    1.4 percent of the production costs, at least 100€

    According to subheading 6.1-6.4 of the Brandenburg Building Fees Regulations

  • Process

    The execution permit is entered in a test book. A copy of the original construction templates required for the extension test and the acceptance of use and accompanied by an inspection note must be attached to the test book.

    The test book must be permanently bound and provided with consecutive page numbers.

  • Duration

    3-6 months

  • Deadline

    The execution permit is valid for between one and five years, depending on the type of plant and execution. It may be extended on request for the appropriate period.

  • Responsible authority

    TÜV Rheinland Industry

  • Point of contact

    Testing laboratory for flying structures

  • Legal basis

    Administrative regulation on execution permits for mobile structures and their acceptance tests for use

  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning Brandenburg

  • Approved date