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Register child in KiTa

You want to register your child at a KiTa? There is a legal entitlement to so-called early childhood development when the child is 1 year old. Places for early childhood development are crèches, kindergartens, after-school care centers and day care centers for children.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    Child day care includes the care and support of your child in a child day care facility (crèche, kindergarten, after-school care) or a child day care center.
    The day care facilities for children have the following tasks:

    • They promote the development of the child into a self-determined, self-reliant and socially capable personality.
    • They support and supplement the upbringing and education in the family.
    • They help parents to better reconcile gainful employment, child rearing and family care.

    The support mandate includes upbringing, education and care of the child. It refers to the social, emotional, physical and mental development of the child. It includes the teaching of orienting values and rules.

    The support should be based on the following characteristics of the children:

    • Age
    • stage of development
    • linguistic and other abilities
    • life situation
    • interests and needs
    • ethnic origin

    The placement of a child in a day care center takes place in cooperation with the responsible local youth welfare agency.

    The scope of care varies from state to state.

  • Requirements

    A child who is 1 year old or older is entitled to early childhood education in a daycare facility or in a daycare center until his or her 3rd birthday.

    If both parents are unable to care for their child themselves, children under 1 year of age may already be entitled to early childhood support. This is the case, for example, if both parents work.

    From the child's 3rd birthday until he or she starts school, the child is entitled to support in a daycare facility.

  • Fees

    The amount of your costs will depend, among other things, on your income, the size of your household, and the amount of care you receive.

  • Process

    Parents should contact the responsible office in good time to find out whether there are any free childcare places.

    Personal contact or getting to know each other personally between you and the KiTa makes sense and is usually possible. Many facilities offer an opportunity to get to know their facility prior to registration.

    After registration, the available places are allocated according to the locally specified rules.

  • Responsible authority

    Local municipal or city administration or local youth welfare office

  • Point of contact

    You can find out about the number of childcare facilities and the number of places as well as the concepts from the local municipal or city administration or the local youth welfare office.
    They can also provide you with the contact addresses of thedaycare facilities or childminders in question. Registration takes place at the respective facility or with the provider of the daycare facility.

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    The Senator for Children and Education Bremen

  • Approved date