
The default color for the website is blue. This color is used in several places

  • in the sender identification
  • in the ariadne thread
  • in the footer
  • at hyperlinks and
  • at various control elements

Alternatively, you can display these page areas with high contrast (black and white). This is not possible for images and graphics.

You can make this setting using the Color Change function. You will find the color change function at the top right of the page - above the sender identifier

The default color for the website is blue. This color is used in several places

  • in the sender identification
  • in the ariadne thread
  • in the footer
  • at hyperlinks and
  • at various control elements

Alternatively, you can display these page areas with high contrast (black and white). This is not possible for images and graphics.

You can make this setting using the Color Change function. You will find the color change function at the top right of the page - above the sender identifier

The image shows a section of the start page of At the top right of the page is en, followed by a pipe sign and the word color change. The word color change is highlighted in color. Behind the word is an icon representing anarrow pointing down. Below that is a blue bar with the word aligned to the left. Below that, on the left, is the word-image mark, consisting of a red eagle and the words Land Brandenburg. Below that, right-justified, is the main menu with the words Home, Cuttent information (in German), Addresses, followed by Icon Arrow down, the word Administrative Services, followed by Icon Arrow down.

Go to the color change function

  • with the mouse: color selection opens by mouse touch. Select high contrast with mouse-click.
  • using the keyboard (tab key): Press enter or down arrow to open color selection. Select high contrast by arrow down. Press the space-button to select high-contrast.

You can also use the color change function to set the default color blue again.

The image shows a section of the start page of At the top right of the page is en, followed by a pipe sign and the word color change. The word color change is highlighted in color. Behind the word is an icon representing anarrow pointing down. Below that is a blue bar with the word aligned to the left. Below that, on the left, is the word-image mark, consisting of a red eagle and the words Land Brandenburg. Below that, right-justified, is the main menu with the words Home, Cuttent information (in German), Addresses, followed by Icon Arrow down, the word Administrative Services, followed by Icon Arrow down.

Go to the color change function

  • with the mouse: color selection opens by mouse touch. Select high contrast with mouse-click.
  • using the keyboard (tab key): Press enter or down arrow to open color selection. Select high contrast by arrow down. Press the space-button to select high-contrast.

You can also use the color change function to set the default color blue again.

Last update: 08.08.2022 um 00:00 Uhr
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