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Right of use for a grave site Transfer

Upon application to the cemetery administration, you can transfer the right to use a grave site to another person or take it over from another person.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    written request or written information

  • Detailed description

    Upon application to the cemetery administration, you can transfer the right to use a grave site to another person or take it over from another person.

    If you receive the right of use by legal succession, please inform the cemetery administration.

  • Requirements

    Rights of use to grave sites are not regulated by law. They are determined according to the cemetery statutes of the municipality.

  • Documents

    Please ask the cemetery administration for which documents and proofs are required.

  • Fees

    With the transfer of the right of use, the obligation to pay fees is also transferred to the new beneficial owner. The fees are regulated in the municipal cemetery statutes.

  • Process

    Please inquire about the procedure at the responsible cemetery administration.

  • Duration

    Please inquire about the processing time at the responsible cemetery administration.

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    municipal cemetery administration

  • Legal basis

    municipal cemetery statutes