Administrative services A-Z


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Would you like your child to receive a hot lunch at school? Then you can order this yourself at the school.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    A healthy, regular and balanced diet is important for the growing up and development of children and adolescents. Some schools in Brandenburg offer their students a hot lunch, for example as part of an all-day school offer.

  • Fees

    Information on cost sharing can be obtained from the responsible district administration or independent city or school.

    Parents with several children who participate in the meal offer usually pay a reduced fee.

    Low-income families who receive unemployment benefit II, social assistance in the form of assistance for subsistence or basic security, rent or burden subsidies, child allowance or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act can apply for benefits from the education package. Here the cost of lunch is fully refunded.

  • Responsible authority

    Please contact your child's school directly.

  • Legal basis