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Registration register information in special cases - provision to parties, voter groups and other supporters of election proposals

Parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals may obtain the following information on persons entitled to vote from the civil register in the 6 months prior...

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  • Forms

    Forms: no default

    Online procedure: not planned

    Written form requirement: no requirement

    perspective: trust level low

  • Detailed description

    Parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals may obtain the following information on persons entitled to vote from the civil register in the 6 months prior to an election in connection with parliamentary and municipal elections:

    • First and family names,
    • degree of doctor,
    • current address.

    If the person inquired about is deceased, this will be communicated.

  • Requirements

    The applicant must be a party, voter group or other sponsor of nominations in connection with elections and votes at the state and local level. Information only admissible in the six of the election

    or vote on previous months.

  • Fees

    Information to parties, voter communities and individual candidates according to time expenditure, but at least € 50.00 and a maximum of € 250.00 plus € 0.20 per selected inhabitant

  • Process

    You can apply for this information from the population register in person or in writing to the registration authority.

  • Duration

    1 to 3 weeks

  • Deadline

    The information is only possible in the 6 months before an election.

    This data may only be used for advertising an election or vote and must be deleted or destroyed no later than one month after the election or vote.

  • Responsible authority

    The independent cities, the offices and the independent municipalities as local regulatory authorities.

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    The registration office cannot provide any information if a block on information exists or a blocking notice is entered in the register of residents. Furthermore, every data subject has the possibility to object to the transmission of his or her data.

  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)

  • Approved date