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Find out here the legal background of the street names (award).

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  • Detailed description


    Street names serve as orientation in the city or municipal area and fulfil a regulatory function for citizens and authorities in the same way. In addition to the regulatory function, street naming can serve to preserve municipal tradition or to honor deserving citizens and personalities.

    The right to give names to public streets (and squares) is a matter of self-government for the municipalities. The right to designate also includes the right to change existing names. Street naming is at the discretion of the municipality. It has a wide margin of discretion in the choice of street name. The resident does not have a "right" to a certain street name. Street names must ensure sufficient distinction. In the case of a street renaming, existing interests of the residents in retaining the previous street name must be taken into account in the context of the consideration.

    Street name signs:

    Within the scope of its competence for the development of land, the federal legislature has made provisions in § 126 of the Building Code for license plates and information signs for development facilities and for (house) numbers. The property owner must tolerate the installation, modification and removal of license plates and information signs for development facilities on his property. Entering the property for this purpose is also to be tolerated. The costs of installing the street name signs must be borne by the developer (not the property owner).


    The landowner is obliged to provide his property with the house number determined by the municipality. The obligation includes the procurement, installation, maintenance and bearing of the costs of the sign. The bearing of costs may also include the costs of renumbering.