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Economic youth welfare

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  • Detailed description

    Within the Youth Welfare Office, the Economic Youth Welfare Service is responsible for financing outpatient, semi-inpatient and inpatient assistance for children, adolescents and young adults. In accordance with Book VIII of the Social Code (Book Eight: Child and Youth Welfare), the following types of assistance in particular are granted within the framework of assistance for education:

    • Educational counselling 28 SGB VIII
    • Social group work (S 29 SGB VIII)
    • Educational assistance, care assistant (S 30 SGB VIII)
    • Socio-educational family assistance (S 31 SGB VIII)
    • Education in a day group (S 32 SGB VIII)
    • Full-time care 33 SGB VIII)
    • Home education or other form of assisted living (S 34 SGB VIII)
    • Intensive individual pedagogical supervision (S 35 SGB VIII)

    Other benefits that are financially implemented by the economic youth welfare are assistance for mentally handicapped children and adolescents (§ 35a SGB VIII), assistance for young adults (§ 41 SGB VIII) as well as common forms of living for mothers or fathers and children (S 19 SGB VIII).