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Notification of activities involving biological agents

If you are working with biological agents for the first time, report this to the State Office for Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health (LAVG).

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required: yes

    Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    As an employer, you must report the following activities with biological agents:

    1. the first recording

    (a) targeted activities involving biological agents in risk group 2 and biological agents in risk group 3 labelled with (**);

    (b) non-targeted activities of protection level 2 involving biological agents of risk group 3, including those marked with (**), provided that the activities are targeted at those biological agents and are intended to be carried out on a regular basis;

    in laboratories, in laboratory animal husbandry and in biotechnology,

    2. any modification of the permitted or notified activities if they are important for safety and health protection, for example activities aimed at increasing the virulence of the biological agent or the commencement of activities with other biological agents of risk group 3 or 4,

    3. the commissioning of a patient ward of protection level 4 in the event of admission of an infected patient and the subsequent decommissioning,

    4. the cessation of an activity subject to authorisation in accordance with § 15.

  • Documents
    • Name and address of you as employer
    • Description of the activities envisaged
    • the result of the risk assessment according to § 4 BioStoffV
    • the type of biological agent
    • Measures envisaged to protect the safety and health of your employees
  • Fees


  • Process

    Before you, as an employer, have biological agents handled in your company, indicate this in writing:

    • All you need is an informal display.
    • Add the necessary evidence.
    • Submit the notification as well as the required documents/notifications to the LAVG.
  • Deadline

    Notification period: no later than 30 days before the commencement of the above-mentioned activities or the cessation of the activities requiring a permit. The commissioning of a patient ward of protection level 4 when an infected patient is admitted and the subsequent decommissioning must be reported immediately.

  • Responsible authority

    State Office for Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health (LAVG) Department "Occupational Safety"

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection

  • Approved date