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List of members of the Chamber of Engineers Registration

Who can be added to the list of volunteer members of theChamber of Engineers?

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms
  • Detailed description

    In the list of voluntary members, engineers who live in the state of Brandenburg or carry out their professional activity here and can prove a practical activity as an engineer of at least two years can be entered.

  • Requirements

    On request, the list of voluntary members shall include a member of the Chamber who:

    • has his principal place of residence or his professional activity in the Land of Brandenburg or pursues his profession here,
    • is entitled to use the professional title "Ingenieurin" or "Ingenieur" and
    • has at least two years of practical experience as an engineer.
  • Documents
    • completed membership application
    • certified copy of the diploma
    • complete professional career
    • Proof of professional indemnity insurance (confirmation from the employer, if applicable)
    • References (e.g. employment/employment references)
    • Proof of at least two years of practical experience as an engineer
  • Fees

    Registration fee according to section 4 of the BBIK's Schedule of Fees and Expenses: € 155.00

  • Process
    • After receipt of the completed membership application and the attachments to be attached, the office first formally checks them for completeness and then forwards the documents to the BBIK Registration Committee. This checks the applicant's eligibility for registration comprehensively. If the documents give rise to doubts as to the conditions for registration or if questions remain unanswered, the applicant shall either be invited to submit further documents and/or given the opportunity to comment on specific issues in an oral interview before the Registration Committee.
    • The Registration Committee forwards its audit results to the registry. If the result is positive, the BBIK office will inform the applicant in a letter and issue the membership certificate. In the event of a negative result, a rejection notice will be issued.
  • Duration

    The processing of the documents requires a comprehensive and individual examination of the requirements by the BBIK Registration Committee. If necessary, the latter must request further documents. Therefore, no fixed processing times can be named. But as a rule, a decision on the application is made within three months after submission of all complete documents.

  • Deadline

    An application for inclusion on the list of voluntary members may be submitted at any time.

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers

  • Legal basis
  • More information

    Further information can be found on the homepage of the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers under

  • Approved

    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy

    of the State of Brandenburg

    Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107

    14473 Potsdam, Germany

    Phone: +49 (0)331 866-1676

    Fax: +49 (0)331 866-1753

  • Approved date