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Notification of the commencement or termination of operation of a shooting range Receipt

In the case of mobile shooting ranges, a one-time permit is required before the initial installation.

In the case of shooting ranges for testing, no permit is required.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    In the case of mobile shooting ranges, a one-time permit is required before the initial installation. The holder of this permit must notify the locally competent authority in writing or electronically two weeks in advance of the commencement and termination of the operation of the shooting range.

    In the case of shooting ranges for testing, no permit is required. The operator must notify the competent authority in writing or electronically of the commencement and termination of operation of the shooting range two weeks in advance.

  • Requirements
    • proof of reliability and personal suitability, and
    • Proof of liability insurance + accident insurance, if applicable, for damage resulting from the operation of the shooting range in the amount required by law.

    In the case of mobile shooting ranges, a one-time permit is sufficient before the first installation. The holder of a permit must notify the locally competent authority in writing of the commencement and termination of the operation of the shooting range two weeks in advance.

    For shooting ranges where shooting is carried out in closed rooms exclusively for the testing of weapons or ammunition, there is no permit requirement, but only the above-mentioned notification obligation.

  • Documents
    • Identity card/ passport
    • Social
    • Safety report by a publicly appointed shooting range expert
  • Fees

    The shooting range permit is subject to a fee and depends on the respective scope of the examination. In addition, the costs for the safety assessment are to be borne by the applicant.

  • Process

    Written notification by the licence holder or operator to the weapons authority responsible for the place of operation.

  • Deadline

    The holder of a permit must notify the locally competent authority in writing of the commencement and termination of the operation of the shooting range two weeks in advance.

  • Responsible authority

    Police Headquarters, Competent Police Directorate.

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date