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List of consulting engineers Registration

In order to be allowed to use the protected professional title "Consulting Engineer" or "Consulting Engineer", a corresponding registration must have been made with the Chamber of Engineers. If you meet the applicable requirements, you can apply for registration.

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  • Forms

    For forms, see

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required. Yes

    Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    The professional title "Consulting Engineer" or "Consulting Engineer" is protected by law. Consulting engineers offer independent advice (e.g. in development, planning, support, control and testing) and expert work in the field of engineering.

    If you would like to use this professional title, you must register in the list of consulting engineers maintained by the State Chamber of Engineers upon written application. At the same time, the Chamber membership is established with the registration.

  • Requirements

    The list of consulting engineers may include anyone who:

    • has his domicile or professional establishment in the State of Brandenburg,
    • is entitled to use the professional title "engineer" alone or in a combination of words,
    • can prove practical work of at least two years for a Master's degree or at least four years for a Bachelor's degree as an engineer in the last 5 years,
    • exercises his profession independently, on his own responsibility and independently,
    • proves adequate insurance against liability risks arising from professional activity.

    The Registration Committee shall decide on admission to the Board upon receipt of the complete documents. In the event of a positive decision, you will receive a certificate of entry in the list of consulting engineers, a chamber stamp and an engineer's certificate in addition to the decision.

    You will need the certificate as proof of your professional license when carrying out your work.

    Up to the age of 45, the applicant must become a member of the pension fund.

    For this purpose, consultation with the pension fund is necessary before submitting the application. The application must be accompanied by a written confirmation of the willingness to become a member there.

    A contact person at the pension fund can be obtained from the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers in the member administration.

  • Documents

    The following supporting documents must be submitted with the application:

    • Certificate of successful completion of studies or award, approval or confirmation of notification in accordance with the State Engineering Act
    • Proof of successful three years of professional activity as an engineer

    The documents must be submitted in the original or in the form of an officially certified copy.

    • Proof of the required practical engineering activity
    • curriculum vitae in tabular form,
    • Confirmation by the insurer of the existence of sufficient professional liability insurance (not older than three months, minimum coverage according to §10 BrbIngG),
    • Proof of self-employed, independent and self-responsible activity.
  • Fees

    Registration fee Consulting Engineer: 100 EUR

  • Process

    Registration shall be made upon written request.

    • Download and print the application form online.
    • Fill in the form and attach the necessary supporting documents.
    • Submit the application to the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers.
    • The application is processed by the Registration Committee (which may provide explanations or requests for subsequent submission of documents).
    • You will then receive a notification from the Registration Committee by post.
  • Duration

    approx. 4 months

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers (BBIK)

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date