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Validity of a VAT identification number Confirmation

The Federal Central Tax Office can confirm the validity of foreign VAT identification numbers (USt-IdNr.) if you are an entrepreneur based in Germany and you have a valid VAT ID...

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  • Forms
    • Forms: yes (online form)
    • Online procedure possible: yes
    • Written form required: no
    • Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    The Federal Central Tax Office can confirm the validity of foreign VAT identification numbers (USt-IdNr.) if you are an entrepreneur based in Germany and you have a valid VAT ID number. was allocated.

    If you are a warehouse keeper within the meaning of the Value Added Tax Act, the validity of the German VAT ID No. of the outsourcing company or its fiscal representative.

    The Federal Central Tax Office confirms on request:

    • the validity of a VAT No. as well as the name, legal form and address of the entrepreneur to whom the VAT ID No. issued by another Member State;
    • the warehouse keeper: the validity of the German VAT ID No. as well as the name, legal form and address of the outsourcing company or its fiscal representative.

    Simple and qualified confirmation

    With a simple confirmation, you will receive information about whether a foreign VAT ID No. is valid at the time of the query in the EU country that issued it.

    In the case of a qualified confirmation, you can also ask whether the company name information you have provided, including the legal form, company location, postal code and street, matches the company data registered in the respective EU country. Only the result of your entries in the form "matches" or "does not match" is displayed. You cannot view the company data.

    Before a qualified confirmation, you must perform a simple confirmation.

  • Requirements
    • You are the holder of a valid German VAT ID number. or
    • You are a warehouse keeper within the meaning of the Value Added Tax Act
  • Documents


  • Fees


  • Process

    You can carry out the simple and qualified query on the website of the Federal Central Tax Office, by e-mail, by telephone, by post, by fax, electronically via interface (XML-RPC standard).


    • Call up the electronic form on the website of the Federal Central Tax Office and follow the instructions.
    • The result will be displayed directly.
    • If you want a written notification (official confirmation notice), you must click on the appropriate field.
    • You can save the result of your simple and qualified query to your computer via screenshot.

    By post, telephone or fax:

    • The simple and the qualified query can be made by post, telephone, fax or e-mail.
    • You will receive the answer in writing.

    By interface:

    • Via the so-called XML-RPC interface, companies are given the opportunity to check foreign VAT ID No. into your own software systems and VAT ID No. to query automatically.
    • The integration of the XML-RPC interface must be carried out by the company itself and requires appropriate programming knowledge.
    • The Federal Central Tax Office cannot provide any support or assistance in this regard.
  • Duration

    Immediately (mail flow if necessary)

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    Federal Central Tax Office
    Ludwig-Karl-Balzer-Allee 2
    66740 Saarlouis, Germany

    Phone: 0228 4060
    Fax: 0228 4063801

  • Point of contact

    Federal Central Tax Office
    Ludwig-Karl-Balzer-Allee 2
    66740 Saarlouis, Germany

    Phone: 0228 4061222
    Call times
    Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    Fax: 0228 4063801

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of Finance

  • Approved date