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VAT identification number assignment

If you want to participate in the movement of goods and services within the European Union, you must apply for a VAT number.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms
    • Forms: Yes
    • Online procedure possible: Yes
    • Written form required: no
    • Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    Your VAT identification number (VAT ID number) is used to uniquely identify your company.

    You need this number whenever you

    • carry out a commercial or professional activity independently, and
    • wish to participate as an entrepreneur in the trade and provision of services in the European internal market.

    Even if you are not an entrepreneur or do not purchase goods and services for your company, you will receive the VAT ID number. but as a legal person for intra-Community acquisitions.

    In the case of a VAT group, you will receive a separate VAT ID number for each legal entity upon request.

  • Requirements

    You will receive the VAT ID number. than

    • Entrepreneur within the meaning of the Value Added Tax Act (§ 2 UStG) or
    • other legal person, if you need the number for intra-Community acquisitions.
  • Documents


  • Fees


  • Process

    Your VAT No. you can apply online or in writing.

    If you want to submit the application online:

    • Call up the form "Application for issuance or re-mailing of an already issued VAT identification number" in the Form Management System (FMS) of the Federal Finance Administration.
    • Follow the instructions and submit the online application.
    • You will receive your VAT number. by post.

    If you wish to submit the application in writing:

    • Write a letter, e-mail or fax to the Federal Central Tax Office with the content that a VAT ID No. is to be granted. Your application must contain your name and address, the responsible tax office and the tax number under which you are listed for VAT.
    • You will receive your VAT number. by post.

    You can enter a VAT number. also apply to the relevant tax office as part of tax registration, for example if you register a new company. To do this, tick in the "Questionnaire for tax registration" that you have a VAT ID No. need. In this case, the number will also be communicated by post by the Federal Central Tax Office.

  • Duration

    1 week

  • Deadline

    The number must have been provided to you before you first participate in the movement of goods and services in the European internal market. Therefore, please submit the application in good time.

  • Responsible authority

    Federal Central Tax Office
    Head office Saarlouis
    Ludwig-Karl-Balzer-Allee 2
    66740 Saarlouis, Germany

  • Point of contact

    Federal Central Tax Office
    Head office Saarlouis
    66738 Saarlouis, Germany

    fax: 0228 4063801
    Phone: 0228 4061222

    Service hours:
    Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)

  • Approved date