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Visa waiver for students on collective lists Authorisation

If you go on a school trip with pupils, they can also enter a country of the European Union and some other countries without a visa or passport with the collective list.

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  • Forms

    Forms: yes

    Online procedure possible: Please ask the locally responsible immigration authority

    Written form required: Please ask the locally responsible immigration authority

    Personal appearance required: Please ask the locally responsible immigration authority. As a rule, an interview with a person appointed by the school is necessary to pick up the list.

  • Detailed description

    The student collection list is a form that facilitates school trips with a multinational class. It applies to school trips within the European Union as well as to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (European Economic Area).

    Student collection list as a visa substitute

    Pupils with third-country citizenship and residence in Germany, who would actually require a visa in the destination country, can exceptionally enter without a visa with the list. For example, the student collection list makes it possible for pupils to take part in a class trip even if an asylum procedure has not yet been completed.

    If the teacher presents the collective list at the border, the border guard authorities of the Member States must allow the listed pupils to enter and leave the country even without a visa. The students only show their passport or identity card when crossing the border.

    Student collection list as a passport substitute

    If a pupil does not have a passport or other valid travel document, the EU form will also be recognised as a passport substitute when crossing the border, provided that the list

    • has been provided with a photo of the pupil and
    • has been certified and approved by the locally competent immigration authority.

    With the permit, the Foreigners' Registration Office confirms that all listed students live in Germany and are entitled to return home.

    The student collection list contains the following information:

    • names, dates of birth and addresses of pupils,
    • Destination and duration of the school trip,
    • where applicable, photos of pupils who do not have a passport.

    It is advisable to ask for further information on the procedure in the specific case before travelling. To do so, please contact the embassy of the destination country and the locally responsible immigration authority.

  • Requirements

    One or more participants of the trip are

    • pupil of a general or vocational school in Germany and
    • Nationals of a third country (not: Germany, European Union, European Economic Area) residing in Germany.

    When used as a visa substitute:

    • The student needs a visa. You can find out which countries of origin require a visa and thus also a student collection list as a visa substitute on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.

    When used as a passport substitute:

    • A student does not have a passport or other valid travel document.
  • Documents
    • if applicable, proof of membership of a general education school
    • If applicable, proof of the class trip by booking data
    • when used as a passport substitute: biometric photo

    Please ask for all necessary documents from the locally responsible immigration authority.

  • Fees

    • Adults: EUR 12,00 per person
    • Minors: EUR 6.00 per person travelling
  • Process

    You must apply in writing for the collective list for pupils:

    • Please contact your local immigration authority. On request, you will receive the form "List of travellers for school trips within the European Union.
    • Fill out the form completely.
    • Have it signed and stamped by the school management.
    • The list is therefore valid and, together with the passports of the students, serves as a visa substitute.

    If you want to issue the list exclusively as a visa substitute, you do not need to go to the Foreigners' Registration Office again.

    If you also want to issue the list as a passport substitute:

    • In addition, stick a photo of the affected students on the list.
    • Send the fully completed, signed and stamped list to your local immigration authority.
    • The Foreigners' Registration Office checks the list. If approved, it shall affix a seal to the list. It serves as confirmation that all listed students live in Germany and are entitled to return home.
    • After that, you will receive the approved list back.
  • Duration

    Please inquire about the processing time at the locally responsible immigration office.

  • Deadline
    • Validity of the collective list: depending on the noted duration of the class trip, maximum 3 months
  • Responsible authority

    The foreigners' registration office at the location of the school.

  • Point of contact

    The Foreigners' Registration Office at the location of the school

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community

  • Approved date