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Under certain conditions, you can apply for the Landespflegegeld, which compensates for additional expenses due to disability.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    In order to compensate for additional expenses due to disability, the State of Brandenburg is entitled to cash benefits under the Landespflegegeldgesetz (LPflGG) under certain conditions.

    Irrespective of income and assets, the Landespflegegeld is paid monthly in advance on the month in which the conditions are met, at the earliest from the first of the month of application.

    The following are entitled to benefits within the meaning of the Landespflegegeldgesetz:

    • Persons without entitlement to benefits under Book XI of the Social Code (SGB XI) with loss of both legs in the thigh area or both hands or with paralysis or similar disabilities, if this permanently requires, probably for at least six months, care needs to ensure physical mobility and domestic care,
    • blind people and persons treated as such under § 72.5 Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII),
    • deaf people without entitlement to benefits under SGB XI with congenital deafness or deafness acquired up to the age of 7 or hearing loss bordering on deafness. If this deafness or hearing loss occurs later, these persons are only considered deaf within the meaning of the LPflGG if the degree of disability due to severe speech disorders is 100 percent.

    Under certain conditions, citizens of the EU as well as of contracting states of the European Economic Area and Switzerland may also be entitled to benefits – in particular migrant workers who live abroad but are employed in Brandenburg and pay social security contributions here.

  • Responsible authority

    The administrative districts and independent cities are responsible for the implementation of the Landespflegegeldgesetz.

    You submit your application for state care allowance to the social welfare office responsible for your place of residence.

  • Legal basis