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Residents' certificate issue

If you would like to purchase a piece of land, you can use a resident's certificate to be applied for from the responsible municipality to find out which municipal taxes are related to this property under federal law.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    The application for the issuance of a resident's certificate must be submitted in writing (informally).

  • Detailed description

    With a resident's certificate issued for a property, you get an overview of the property-related taxes applicable under federal law.

    The resident's certificate must be applied for informally and without notice at the responsible municipality.

    A fee for this is to be requested from the responsible municipality.

  • Requirements

    The property for which a resident's certificate is applied for must be specifically named, enclosing a proof of ownership and a land map extract.

  • Documents

    The property for which a resident's certificate is applied for must be specifically named, enclosing a proof of ownership and a land map extract.

  • Fees

    A fee for the resident's certificate is to be requested from the responsible municipality.

  • Process

    The resident's certificate must be applied for informally and without notice at the responsible municipality, enclosing a proof of ownership and a field map extract.

  • Duration

    approx. 1 week

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    the responsible municipality

  • Point of contact

    the responsible municipality

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior and Europe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Approved date