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List of draftsmen authorized to submit building documents Registration

In order to be commissioned as a draftsman for building templates, an entry in the list of engineers authorized to submit building documents to the State Chamber of Engineers is a prerequisite.

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  • Forms

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required. Yes

    Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    Engineers specialising in building construction or civil engineering must be entered on the list of draftsmen or women in order to be commissioned as draftsmen or draftsmen for building templates for the construction of buildings that require a building permit or a disclosure procedure.

    Upon request, the list shall include those who meet the requirements prescribed in § 65 of the Brandenburg Building Code. The list of draft authors is maintained by the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers.

    Hint: If you are already registered in such a list of another federal state, this entry is also valid in Brandenburg.

    Persons authorised to submit building documents from other EU/EEA countries

    If you are established in another member state of the EU or the EEA as a person entitled to submit building documents, you are entitled to submit building documents without being entered in the list of design authors. In this case, you must

    • have a comparable authorization, and
    • meet the requirements comparable for entry in the list of draftsmen.

    You must report your activity to the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers before you become active for the first time as a person entitled to submit a building template. Upon request, the Chamber of Engineers will confirm that the notification has been made.

    If the requirements in your country of origin are not comparable to those in Brandenburg, you must have it certified that you meet the requirements required for entry in the list of draft authors. You must apply for the certificate from the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers, which will enter you in its own register after the certificate has been issued.

    Hint: If you have already reported your activity in another federal state, it is not necessary to report it in Brandenburg. This also applies to the issuance of the certificate.

  • Requirements

    To be entered on the draft author list, you must:

    • provide proof of a university degree qualifying for a profession in the field of structural engineering or civil engineering,
    • have worked for at least two years in the field of building design for at least two years after graduation,
    • have their place of residence or professional establishment in the state of Brandenburg, and
    • prove that they have taken out sufficient professional indemnity insurance.
  • Documents

    The following must be submitted with the completed application:

    • Notarized Copy of the certificate as an engineer or adequate
    • (certified) Copy of the certificate of engineering degree or adequate
    • Curriculum vitae / professional career
    • Proof of professional indemnity insurance (maximum 3 months old, minimum sum insured according to §10 BrbIngG)
    • If applicable, proof of self-employment, e.g. managing director of a GmbH and the same (see application form)
    • If applicable, confirmation of registration with another chamber of engineers
    • Proof of at least 2 years of building construction experience in the field of object planning of buildings evidenced by:
      • List of objects (see application form)
      • at least 3 complete approval plans (maximum 5 years old) from which the applicant clearly emerges as the processor)
  • Fees

    150 € registration fee for engineer authorized to submit building documents

  • Process

    Registration shall be made upon written request.

    • Download the form online and print it.
    • Fill out the form and add the necessary supporting documents.
    • Submit the application to the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers.
    • The application will be processed by the registration committee (which may provide explanations or requests for the subsequent submission of documents).
    • You will then receive a notification from the registration committee by post
  • Duration

    approx. 4 months

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers (BBIK)

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date