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List of urban planners Registration

In order to be allowed to use the professional title of architect, urban planner, landscape architect and interior designer, registration with the Chamber of Architects must have taken place.

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  • Forms

    The form for registration in the list of architects and urban planners can be found at the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects at:

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required. Yes

  • Detailed description

    The terms architect and architect, interior designer, landscape architect and urban planner are protected job titles. Only those who register in the Chamber of Architects are entitled to use these professional titles. This is only possible in Brandenburg if the applicant has successfully completed a course of study with a total period of study of at least four years in the relevant discipline, can subsequently prove two years of practical work in the relevant field of study and has completed further training.

    Graduates who started studying interior design, landscape architecture or urban planning before 1 July 2016 only have to prove a university degree qualifying for a profession after a standard period of study of at least three years.

  • Requirements

    Pursuant to § 4 Abs. 1 BbgArchG, a person is entered in the list of architects/urban planners who:

    • is qualified as an architect to fulfil the professional tasks in the respective field according to § 3 BbgArchG and
    • has his principal place of residence in the Land of Brandenburg or pursues his branch of professional activity or his predominant professional occupation.
    • has successfully completed a course of study corresponding to the respective field of study with a standard period of study of at least three years (start of studies before 01.07.2016) or four years at a German university, college, university of applied sciences or equivalent educational institution in accordance with the guidelines on training content regulated in the annex to this provision,
    • has subsequently carried out at least two years of practical work in the respective field of study and
    • in the case of freelance or commercial activity for third parties, has professional liability insurance in accordance with § 10 BbgArchG.
  • Documents

    With examination of the CPC:

    • Certified copy of the university certificate and the university certificate (or an equivalent educational institution within the meaning of § 4 BbgArchG)
    • Proof of standard period of study for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes
    • Official translation of the aforementioned documents (for foreign degrees)
    • Certificate according to EU Professional Recognition Directive
    • Higher education degrees that differ significantly from the requirements of a German degree can be aligned by compensatory measures; Details in § 4 paragraphs 4 and 5 BbgArchG
    • Proof of two years of professional experience in the requested field of study since the technical or university degree; Graduates of architecture who started their internship after 15.10.2018 must have completed their internship under the supervision of a registered architect
    • Certificates of further training - one proof each on the following topics:
      • Public Construction Law
      • Private Construction Law
      • Building practice
      • Cost-effectiveness of building planning
      • Management and communication
    • Proof of employment contract in the case of salaried activity or salaried activity in the public service
    • Proof of sufficient professional liability insurance for freelance or commercial activities
    • Registration certificate of main residence in the state of Brandenburg or proof of predominant employment in the state of Brandenburg
    • Copy of deposit slip

    Without examination of the CPC:

    • Proof of sufficient professional liability insurance for freelance or commercial activities
    • Registration certificate of main residence in the state of Brandenburg or proof of the place of business/branch in the state of Brandenburg or proof of predominant employment in the state of Brandenburg
    • Copy of deposit slip
  • Fees

    Application fee entry in the list of architects/urban planners: 205,00 €
    Fee for certification and circular stamp: € 65.00

  • Process

    Registration shall be made upon written request.

    • Download the application form from the website of the Chamber of Architects and fill it out.
    • Submit the application and other required documents in writing.
    • The Chamber of Architects shall acknowledge receipt of the documents and certificates to the applicant within one month and, if necessary, inform him of any documents and certificates missing.
    • A decision on the application shall be taken within three months of receipt of the complete dossier. The Registration Committee decides on the entry in the list of architects. The Registration Committee shall consist of the chairperson and the required number of assessors. The registration committee decides in the composition of the chairperson or his representative and four assessors, of which at least two assessors must belong to the field of expertise of the applicant.
  • Duration

    within three months of receipt of the complete dossier

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Architects

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    Entry on the list of urban planners shall take place without examination of the qualifications if deletion from the list of urban planners was not more than two years ago and there is no ground for refusal.

  • More information

    Further information on the registration procedure can be obtained from the office of the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects or at:

  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date