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Recognition as a test expert for earthworks and foundation engineering

You would like to be recognized as a test expert.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Online procedure possible: no

    Written form required. Yes

    Personal appearance required: yes (examination procedure)

  • Detailed description

    Inspection experts check and certify compliance with building code requirements in their respective specialist areas on behalf of the client or other person responsible under building regulations. Within the scope of the audit tasks incumbent upon them, the test experts are independent and are not bound by instructions from the client.

    Inspection experts for earthworks and foundation engineering examine and certify the completeness and correctness of the information on the subsoil with regard to material stock, structure and geological influences, the information on the load-bearing capacity of the subsoil and the assumptions made for the foundation or embedding of the structural system.

    Recognition as a test expert for earthworks and foundation engineering is only granted if you meet and can prove the general requirements as well as the special requirements for this field (including proof of professional experience and special knowledge).

  • Requirements

    The professional requirements are fulfilled by a person who:

    - has a university degree suitable for the field of earthworks and foundation engineering and may use the professional title "engineer",

    - Nine years of experience in the construction industry, including at least three years in earthworks and foundation engineering with the preparation or assessment of stability certificates

    - In-depth knowledge and experience in earthworks and foundation engineering

    - Declaration that there is no participation in a company in the construction industry or in a drilling company

  • Documents

    Curriculum vitae with complete information on the professional career up to the time of application

    a copy of the diplomas and one copy of the employment certificates,

    proof of the application for a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority (document type O or P) or an equivalent document of a Member State of the European Union, whereby proof or document should not be older than three months,

    information on the place of business and any other branches,

    information on any participation in a company whose object is the planning or implementation of construction projects, and

    Proof of special knowledge and experience in earthworks and foundation engineering must be provided by submitting a list of all subsoil reports prepared in the last two years before the application is submitted. Of these, at least ten reports must show the mastery of above-average tasks.

  • Fees

    The fees incurred in the context of the recognition procedure and to be borne by the applicant are regulated in Annex 1 to the Ordinance on Fees in Building Regulations in the State of Brandenburg (Brandenburg Building Fee Regulations - BbgBauGebO), there under subheading 7.4

  • Process
    • Download the application form from the website of the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and print it out
    • Submit the completed application as well as the required documents to the Chamber of Engineers
    • The Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers decides on the application for recognition as a test expert or test expert in the state of Brandenburg as the recognition authority The recognition authority examines the personal and professional requirements of the applicant on the basis of the documents submitted in accordance with § 5 BbgPrüfSV.
    • After receipt and preliminary examination of the application documents, the recognition authority initiates the appropriate measures for the preparation of an expert opinion to be provided for the applicant, a preparation of an expert opinion by the advisory board of the Federal Chamber of Engineers
    • Decision on recognition by the recognition authority
  • Duration

    approx. 3 months

  • Deadline

    Registration is possible at any time. The exams take place about 1 to 2 times a year.

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    The title of test expert or test expert may only be used with the indication of the subject area and discipline for which the test expert or experts are recognised under this Ordinance.

  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning

  • Approved date