Administrative services A-Z


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Tuition Fee Waiver

In special life situations, you can obtain a waiver of general tuition fees.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    In special cases of hardship and to compensate for disadvantages, the universities sometimes provide for possibilities for exemption from contributions or fees. Information on this can be obtained from the universities.

  • Requirements

    Under certain conditions (e.g. leave of absence due to raising children, caring for close relatives, study-prolonging effect of a disability or serious illness), students can be partially or completely exempted from the obligation to pay fees or contributions.

  • Documents

    Examples of evidence of the reason for remission:

    • specialist confirmation)
    • Proof of kinship (birth certificate, marriage certificate)
    • Notification of the level of care or specialist confirmation of the need for care
  • Process

    Find out about the application modalities directly at the respective university.

  • Duration

    Find out more at the respective university.

  • Deadline

    Inform yourself in good time at the respective university.

  • Responsible authority

    the respective university

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date