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List of general sworn interpreters Registration Interpreters and translators from other EU/EEA countries

From the list of interpreters and translators, you can find the interpreters and authorized translators generally sworn in by the presidents of the regional courts of the State of Brandenburg.

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  • Forms
  • Detailed description

    If you are legally established as an interpreter and translator in another member state of the European Union or in another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area for the purpose of carrying out an activity referred to in § 1 paragraph 1 BbgDolmG or comparable, you can be entered in the register of interpreters and translators upon request.

    Even if your profession or training in this profession is not regulated in the country in which you are established and you have practised this profession for at least two years during the previous ten years in one or more Member States, you can apply for registration in the register of interpreters and translators.

    In both cases, a prerequisite for registration is that you have worked as an interpreter or translator in the country .Brandenburg temporarily and occasionally (temporary services).

    The list of interpreters and translators contains the following information on sworn interpreters and authorised translators:

    • the name,
    • the address,
    • telecommunications connections,
    • the language for which the general swearing-in or authorisation has been made;
    • an indication of whether the registered person works as an interpreter or translator;
    • the date of the general swearing-in or authorisation, - in the case of interpreters and translators from other EU/EEA States, the professional title corresponding to the regulations of the State of establishment.

    The personal data to which you have given your consent will be published on the Internet in the nationwide database of interpreters and translators (Section 6 (5) of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Brandenburg Interpreters Act).

  • Requirements

    Prerequisites for inclusion in the list of sworn interpreters and authorised translators are:

    • lawful exercise of the activity as a sworn interpreter or authorized translator or a comparable activity in another Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area,
    • where the profession or training for that profession is not regulated in the State of establishment, proof that the profession has been pursued in one or more Member States for at least one year during the previous ten years;
    • the activity is to be carried out temporarily and occasionally in the State of Brandenburg (temporary services).
  • Documents

    The application must be accompanied by the following supporting documents and information:

    1. a certificate stating that the person is legally established in another Member State of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area for the purpose of carrying out one of the activities referred to in Section 1 (1) of the Brandenburg Interpreting Act or comparable activities and that at the time of submission of the certificate he or she is not prevented from carrying out this activity, even temporarily, is prohibited,
    2. a certificate of professional qualification,
    3. if the profession or training is not regulated in the state of establishment, proof of the professional practice required in § 6 (5) sentence 1 of the Brandenburg Interpreting Act,
    4. an indication of the professional title for the activity in the language of the State of establishment;
    5. a declaration as to whether and to what extent the personal data may be transmitted in electronic form at the beginning of each year via publication in the register of interpreters and translators, in addition to being forwarded to the presidents of the higher courts, the heads of the prisons as well as the juvenile detention centre and the Brandenburg Chamber of Notaries, as well as consent to the publication and discontinuation of their personal data on the Internet and in automated retrieval procedures. The aforementioned declarations or consents can be revoked.

    The evidence of number 1 must be submitted in the original or in a certified copy. For documents written in a foreign language, please also include a German translation by an authorized translator.

  • Fees

    Free of charge in accordance with § 1 para. 3 sentence 3 of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Brandenburg Interpreters Act

  • Process

    The application for inclusion in the list of interpreters and translators should be submitted in writing to the Regional Court of Potsdam (§ 6 para. 5 sentence 2 of the Act on the General Swearing-in of Interpreters and Authorization of Translators of the State of Brandenburg - Brandenburg Interpreters Act).

    If the requirements are met, you will be included in the list of interpreters and translators.

    If you have given your consent to the publication of your personal data, it will be published on the Internet in the nationwide interpreter and translator database (Section 6 (5) of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Brandenburg Interpreting Act).

  • Duration

    Applications must be processed immediately, but no later than three months from the complete submission of all documents (Section 3 (1) of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Brandenburg Interpreters Act)

  • Responsible authority

    For applications for inclusion in the register of interpreters and translators and for the maintenance of the register of interpreters and translators:

    • Regional Court of Potsdam

    For the maintenance of the interpreter and translator directory:

    • Brandenburg Higher Regional Court
  • Legal basis

    § 6 Law on the General Swearing-in of Interpreters and Authorisation of Translators of the State of Brandenburg (Brandenburg Interpreters Act - BbgDolmG) of 7 July 2009 (GVBl.I/09, [No. 11], p.252) as last amended by Article 9 of the Act of 17 December 2015 (GVBl.I/15, [No. 38])

    Ordinance on the Implementation of the Brandenburg Interpreters Act of 23 September 2009 (GVBl.II/09, [No. 34], p.709) as last amended by the Ordinance of 11 July 2016

    (GVBl.II/16, [No. 37])

  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of Justice

  • Approved date