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List of sworn interpreters Deletion

With the deletion of entries, the interpreter and

Translator directory must be kept up to date.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms


  • Detailed description

    Information in the list of interpreters and translators may need to be corrected or removed for various reasons. In order to keep the list of interpreters and translators up to date, deletions are required in certain cases.

    According to § 6 Abs. 3 of the Act on the General Swearing of Interpreters and Empowerment of Translators of the State of Brandenburg, deletion is required in the following cases:

    • revocation and withdrawal of the general oath or authorization,
    • Ineffectiveness of the general oath or the authorization for other reasons,
    • death of the interpreter or translator,
    • at the request of the interpreter or translator.

    In the event of the death of the interpreter or translator, the powers under Section 189(2) of the Judiciary Act and Section 142(3) of the Code of Civil Procedure as well as the authorisations and obligations specified in Section 4 of the Act on the General Swearing of Interpreters and Authorisation of Translators of the Land of Brandenburg shall cease upon dissolution.

    An entry must be cancelled after five years if it concerns an interpreter or translator who is legally established in another Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area for the exercise of the activity referred to in § 1 paragraph 1 or comparable (see S 6 para. 5 Act on the General Swearing of Interpreters and Authorisation of Translators of the State of Brandenburg). You can request that the registration be renewed for a further five years.

    In addition, the meeting may be deleted if:

    • the conditions for registration are no longer met,
    • the DoImetschër or translator proves to be personally unreliable, uses a professional title other than the registered professional title, or
    • there are serious doubts about the competence of the interpreter or translator, in particular he has repeatedly carried out defective transmissions.
  • Requirements

    The presidents of the regional courts responsible for examining the request for a general sworn in of an interpreter or authorisation of a translator shall inform the President of the Higher Regional Court of the reason for deletion.

  • Documents

    The documents required to verify deletion, such as the death certificate, must be submitted.

  • Process

    Provided that for the examination of the application for a general oath of a. If the President of the Regional Court responsible for interpreting or authorising a translator is aware of a fact which requires the deletion of information in the list of interpreters and translators, he shall inform the President of the Higher Regional Court responsible for maintaining the list of interpreters and translators. This checks whether there is a reason for deletion. He is responsible for the deletion of the registration.

  • Responsible authority

    Brandenburg Higher Regional Court

  • Legal basis

    Section 6(3) to (5) of the Law on the General Swearing of Interpreters and the Authorisation of Translators of the Land of Brandenburg (Brandenburgisches Dolmetschergesetz BbgDolmG) of 71 July 2009 (GVBl/09, [No. p.252), as last amended by Article 9 of the Act of 17 December 2015 (GVBl,l/15, [No. 38])

  • Approved

    Ministry of Justice of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date