Administrative services A-Z


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search place

Residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment Issued to look for a job after school or company training

If you have successfully completed your education in Germany and are looking for a job that matches your qualifications, you can apply for a residence permit.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    If you have successfully completed school or company training, you can be granted a residence permit to look for a job. The residence permit will be issued to you for a maximum of 12 months directly following your previous training. This makes it possible for you to find a job appropriate to your qualifications. The aim of the search can also be self-employment. This residence permit allows unrestricted gainful employment.

  • Responsible authority

    In the state of Brandenburg, the immigration authorities of the districts and independent cities are responsible.

  • Legal basis

    § Section 20 (3) No. 3 Law on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory

    The legal basis can be found on the Internet page Laws on the Internet