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Report changes in personal situation in case of unemployment

If there are any changes in your personal situation during your unemployment, you must report them.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Forms available: Yes (notification of change)
    Written form required: No, informal notification is also possible
    Informal application possible: Yes
    Personal appearance required: No
    Online services available: Yes

  • Detailed description

    A change in your personal situation may affect your entitlement to unemployment benefits. You may receive less or more money. Therefore, you must immediately report any change in your personal circumstances to the employment agency responsible for you. These notifications are important so that you receive the correct amount of benefits to which you are entitled.

    In particular, you must report if you:

    • go away for an extended period of time,
    • move house,
    • take up a second job (including voluntary work),
    • take up a job,
    • go back to school,
    • take up an apprenticeship or a course of study,
    • become self-employed,
    • go on maternity or parental leave,
    • draw a retirement pension,
    • draw a pension for reduced earning capacity
    • are doing an internship, voluntary service or military service,
    • have changed your name or marital status
    • become ill or are recovering from an illness,
    • change tax class, or
    • Have another reason for disenrollment.

    In some cases, you should contact your local employment agency before your personal situation changes.

    For example, if you take up a second job: The income from the secondary employment may affect the receipt of your unemployment benefits.

    The obligation to notify also applies to changes that may have a retroactive effect on your benefits. This is the case, for example, if you are granted a pension retroactively.

    If you receive supplementary Bürgergeld in addition to unemployment benefit, you must notify the Jobcenter of the change separately. Please take into account the information on this benefit and use the form for notifying changes if you are receiving Bürgergeld.

  • Requirements
    • You are receiving unemployment benefits.
    • Your personal situation changes.
  • Documents
    • Change notification
    • Please ask your local employment agency what other proof you need to submit.
  • Process

    You can submit the change notification online, in person, in writing or by telephone. You will then receive a notice by mail stating whether and how the change in your personal situation affects your receipt of unemployment benefits.

    If you want to submit the notice of change online:

    • Access the Federal Employment Agency's online "eServices" portal, log in and complete the change form directly online.

    If you would like to submit the notice of change in person at your location:

    • Download the Notice of Change form from the Federal Employment Agency's website.
    • Fill out the form and bring it with you to your interview with your employment agency.
    • It is best to bring the relevant evidence with you, if required.

    If you wish to submit the Notice of Change in writing:

    • Download the Notice of Change form from the Employment Agency's website.
    • You can also use the form that you already received from your responsible employment agency when you registered for unemployment.
    • Fill out the form and send it by mail to your competent employment agency.

    If you would like to report the change by telephone:

    • Call the service hotline of the Federal Employment Agency and have your customer number ready.
  • Deadline

    You must report any changes immediately.

  • Responsible authority

    The point of contact is the local office of the Federal Employment Agency.

    Responsible: Employment Agency

  • Point of contact

    The point of contact is the local office of the Federal Employment Agency.

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)

  • Approved date