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Requesting a market value appraisal of the value of a property or the right to a property

If you would like to know the value of an undeveloped or developed plot of land or the value of rights to a plot of land, you can have this determined by an expert committee by means of a market value appraisal.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Forms/online services available: Yes
    Written form required: No
    Informal application possible: Yes
    Personal appearance required: No

    • Forms: none
    • Online procedure possible: no
    • Written form required: yes
    • Personal appearance necessary: basically yes

  • Detailed description

    If you would like to know the value of an undeveloped or developed property or the value of rights to a property, you can have this determined by means of a market value appraisal. This determination can be requested from the local appraisal committee. In addition, the determination is also offered by private experts.

    The market value is synonymous with the market value. It is the price that could be obtained in the ordinary course of business at the time to which the appraisal relates, based on the legal circumstances and actual characteristics, other features and location of the property or other object of the appraisal, without regard to unusual or personal circumstances.

    The provision of expert opinions on the market value is the task of the expert committees. The committee is basically autonomous and independent. A committee is responsible for one area at a time (for example, for a county or an independent city). The members are members of public authorities as well as honorary appraisers (such as architects, structural engineers, civil engineers, tax consultants, etc.).

  • Requirements

    Any owner or other person entitled to a property may apply for a market value appraisal.

  • Documents

    The necessary documents vary depending on the appraisal order and will be requested in consultation with you.

    Among other things, the following documents may be necessary:

    • Land register excerpt
    • Proof of other rights and encumbrances
    • Power of attorney of the owner(s)
    • Fire insurance certificate
    • List of rental and leasing income
    • List of operating costs
    • Minutes/resolutions of owners' meeting
    • Proof of investments in the last 10 years
    • Energy certificate
    • Site plan
    • Building plans/floor plans.

    To prove your eligibility to apply, please submit the relevant documents (e.g. identity card, extract from the land register or extract from the real estate cadastre of the property to be assessed). Further documents about the valuation object (e.g. construction plans of buildings) may be important for the valuation. If you have such documents, please submit them.

  • Fees

    The preparation of market value appraisals by the appraisal committees is subject to a fee. The cost regulations of the federal states apply.

    The costs are regulated in the Brandenburg Expert Committee Fee Schedule. For a market value appraisal, the amount of the fee depends on the value of the valuation object.

    Please inquire about the costs at the office of the responsible expert committee.

  • Process

    Citizens can submit an application to the appraisal committee for the preparation of a market value appraisal for a property.

    • After receiving the order, the office of the appraisal committee will approach you with questions for documents, depending on the property to be appraised.
    • At the same time, the office of the appraisal committee will make inquiries about the property with other authorities and agencies.
    • It will be determined in which composition the expert committee will be active for this appraisal.
    • A site inspection of the object by the committee is always necessary. For this purpose an appointment is arranged and carried out.
    • Possibly further investigations are necessary afterwards.
    • Then the market value can be calculated and decided.
    • The appraisal report is sent to the client (and the owner) together with the statement of costs.
    • In order to submit a market value appraisal, please submit a corresponding application to the office of the responsible appraisal committee.
    • First of all, your eligibility to apply will be checked on the basis of the documents submitted.
    • In preparation for the appraisal, the valuation object (property) is inspected by employees of the office and the documents are evaluated.
    • The appraisal committee inspects the valuation object and decides on the market value.
    • The report will be completed and sent to you.
    • Finally, the cost notice will be sent.
  • Duration

    The processing time depends on the other pending statutory tasks of the expert committees or pending other expert opinions. As a rule, several weeks pass between the submission of the application and the dispatch of the appraisal report.

    The processing time depends on the valuation object. It usually takes several weeks from the application to the dispatch of the expert opinion. In individual cases, please inquire at the office of the responsible expert committee.

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    Offices of the expert committees for property values in the districts and independent cities

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    A market value is not binding for sellers or buyers. It is also possible to commission a market value appraisal from an expert in the private sector.

  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior, Building and Digitalization Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

  • Approved date