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Exemption from the licensing requirement under explosives law

If you want to handle or traffic explosive substances in the commercial sector and already have a permit for the same facts according to § 21 Weapons Act, you do not need a...

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  • Detailed description

    If you want to handle or traffic explosive substances in the commercial sector and already have a permit for the same facts according to § 21 Weapons Act, you do not need a permit according to the Explosives Act.

    You are also exempt from the obligation to obtain a permit under Section 7 of the Explosives Act if you have neither a domicile or permanent residence nor a branch office in Germany and wish to import, export, carry out or transfer explosive substances to Germany. The prerequisite is that the transport is accompanied by a holder of a certificate of competence in accordance with § 20 SprengG or by a person whom the Federal Government or a Land has commissioned in writing to accompany the transport.

    An application for exemption from the permit requirement is not necessary. The exemption comes into effect by law.

  • Requirements

    To obtain an exemption to commercially handle and transport explosive materials, you must meet the following requirements:

    • 1. possibility of exemption:

    You possess a firearms license according to § 21 Weapons Act, with which the same handling and traffic is permitted as according to § 7 Explosives Act.

    • 2nd possibility:

    You have neither a domicile or permanent residence nor a branch office in Germany and wish to import, export, carry out or transfer explosive substances to Germany. The transport is accompanied by a holder of a certificate of competence in accordance with § 20 of the Explosives Act or by a person whom the Federal Government or a Land has commissioned in writing to accompany you.

  • Documents

    No documentation required. The exemption comes into force by law.

  • Fees


  • Process

    No application necessary

  • Legal basis

    § 13 Explosives Act (SprengG) "Exemption from the obligation to obtain a permit".

  • Approved

    45-5 The Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

  • Approved date