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Eligible persons for the European elections

You can stand for election yourself in the European elections. This is conditional, among other things, on your eligibility.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    You can stand for election to the European Parliament yourself under certain conditions. To do so, you must first be eligible to vote.

    If you have German nationality, you are eligible if you also have German nationality on election day. You must also be of age on election day. However, you are not eligible if you lose your right to vote or your eligibility to vote as a result of a court decision or if you are not allowed to hold public office.

    If you are a citizen of the Union, you are eligible to vote if you have a home or habitual residence in Germany. In addition, you must be a national of a member state of the European Union on election day and be at least 18 years old. You lose your eligibility if you have been disqualified from voting in Germany or your country of origin or if your eligibility has been revoked by a court decision. You are also ineligible if you are not allowed to hold public office in Germany on the basis of a court decision.

  • Requirements

    You are eligible for election if

    • you are a German citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union, and
    • have reached the age of 18.

    In addition, you must not be excluded from the right to vote.

  • Documents

    if applicable, identity card or foreign identity document

  • Fees


  • Process

    Their eligibility is recorded in the official civil register.

    If this is not the case and you believe that you are nevertheless eligible, please contact the relevant municipal administration.

  • Duration

    depending on the individual case

  • Responsible authority

    Electoral authority of the independent city/municipality/office/association municipality

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior North Rhine-Westphalia

  • Approved date