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Register on the electoral roll for the European elections as a citizen of the Union

As a citizen of the Union living in Germany, you can vote in the European elections if you are entered on the electoral roll.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Annex 2A to the European Election Regulations

  • Detailed description

    If you are an EU citizen living in Germany and wish to vote in the European elections, you must first be entered on the electoral roll. This either happens automatically ex officio or you have to apply for it.
    If you have already been entered on the electoral roll for previous European elections and have not moved abroad in the meantime, you will be entered on the electoral roll ex officio and do not need to submit an application.
    In all other cases, you must apply to be entered on the electoral roll.

  • Requirements

    You will be entered on the electoral roll ex officio if, on the day of the election:

    • are a national of a Member State of the European Union,
    • are at least 18 years old,
    • are not disqualified from voting , and
    • have been entered on the electoral roll in previous European elections.

    You will be entered on the electoral roll on request,
    if, on the day of the election:

    • are a national of a Member State of the European Union,
    • are at least 18 years old on the day of the election,
    • are not excluded from the right to vote and
    • have had a home or your usual place of residence in Germany for at least 3 months, or
    • have an employment, wage or training contract as a captain or crew member for a seagoing vessel flying the German flag, or
    • are registered as an inland waterway skipper of an inland waterway vessel entered in the German shipping register or as a member of the corresponding household, or
    • are registered at the address of a prison or similar institution in Germany.
  • Documents

    Application according to Annex 2A European Election Regulations

  • Fees


  • Process

    As a citizen of the Union, you can be entered on the electoral roll for the European elections as follows:

    • You submit an application in accordance with Annex 2A of the European Election Regulations to the local authority responsible for you.
    • The authority decides on your application and sends out a notification of election or a refusal notice.
  • Duration

    about 2 weeks

  • Deadline

    Application deadline: until the 21st day before the election

  • Responsible authority

    Electoral authority of the independent city/municipality/office/association municipality

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior of the State of NRW

  • Approved date