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View the electoral roll for the European elections

You can consult the electoral roll for the European elections.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms


  • Detailed description

    As a person entitled to vote, you may consult the electoral roll in respect of your own data before the European elections. The electoral roll will be made available at least at the place of the
    at least at the place of the municipal administration. It can be inspected from the 20th to the 16th day before the election during the general opening hours.
    It is only possible to inspect the data of other persons if you can credibly demonstrate facts from which an incorrectness or incompleteness of the electoral roll may result.
    incompleteness of the electoral roll.
    Within this framework, you can produce extracts from the electoral roll in order to check the voting rights of individual specific persons.

  • Requirements

    Inspection of your own data:

    • You are entitled to vote

    Inspection of other people's data:

    • You are entitled to vote and
    • You have substantiated facts from which the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the electoral roll may result Production of

    Extracts of other persons' data:

    • You are entitled to vote and
    • you have made a prima facie case that the electoral roll is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Documents
    • for inspection of own data: none
    • for the inspection of the data of other persons, facts must be substantiated from which an inaccuracy or incompleteness of the electoral roll may result
    • for the production of extracts for the purpose of checking the data of other persons, facts must be substantiated from which an inaccuracy or incompleteness of the electoral roll may result.
  • Fees


  • Process

    You can consult the electoral roll for the European elections
    in the following way:

    • You go to the local authority during general opening hours.
    • You can consult the electoral roll in respect of your own data.
    • You may consult the electoral roll with regard to the data of other persons if you can establish facts from which the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the electoral roll may be inferred. In this context, you can produce extracts from the electoral roll in order to check the voting rights of individual specific persons.
  • Duration


  • Deadline

    Display period: from the 20th to the 16th day before the election during general opening hours

  • Responsible authority

    Electoral authority of the independent city/municipality/office/association municipality

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior of the State of NRW

  • Approved date