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Academic Performance Assessment

Pupils provide written, oral and practical services at appropriate intervals in accordance with the requirements of the respective course of education.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    To prove their level of achievement, pupils provide written, oral and practical services at appropriate intervals in accordance with the requirements of the respective course of education, the respective grade level as well as the individual subjects, learning areas, learning fields and learning field groups. Performance records serve as a performance evaluation and as a basis for consulting.
    The individual written, oral and practical certificates of achievement as well as the total achievements made during a school year are evaluated according to six grade levels. In certain grades or in some courses at the special school, grades may be supplemented or replaced by a general assessment or a point system.


  • Responsible authority

    respective school

  • Legal basis
  • Approved

    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg

    Unit 33

  • Approved date