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Hold European elections

You can find out how the European elections are conducted here.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Personal appearance required: yes

  • Detailed description

    You cast your vote on a ballot paper. You will receive this from the election committee when you enter the voting room. With the ballot paper, you then go individually into the voting
    voting booth. There you mark your desired list election proposal with a cross or otherwise. Then fold the ballot paper so that your mark cannot be seen.
    The secretary of the electoral committee will then check whether you are listed on the electoral roll, if necessary after you have presented your election notification or your ID card on request. If so, you may place your ballot paper in the ballot box. The clerk will then note that you have cast your vote.

  • Requirements

    To vote, you must be eligible to vote and be on the electoral roll.

  • Documents
    • Election notice
    • Identification document
  • Fees


  • Process

    The European election is conducted as follows:

    • Voter enters the voting room, observer hands out ballot papers,
    • Voter marks and folds ballot paper in polling booth,
    • Voter goes to the voting table with folded ballot paper,
    • Election committee checks eligibility to vote against the electoral roll (if necessary by presenting an identity document),
    • Voter throws folded ballot paper into the ballot box.
  • Duration

    Not applicable

  • Deadline

    on election day: 08:00 - 18:00

  • Point of contact

    Electoral authority of the municipality, the office, the association municipality, the independent city

  • Legal basis
  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry of the Interior of the State of NRW

  • Approved date