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Registration of a motor vehicle with a foreign license plate

Registration of a vehicle that has already been registered abroad is possible on application. The registration is issued by the competent registration authority.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    If you buy a new or used vehicle abroad or move to Germany with a vehicle registered to you abroad, you must apply for registration for this vehicle.

    Registering a vehicle that was previously registered abroad is more time-consuming than registering a new vehicle or transferring it, as more documents are required.

  • Documents
    • Current identity card or passport
    • SEPA direct debit mandate for the collection of vehicle tax
    • electronic insurance confirmation (eVB)
    • if the vehicle is still registered abroad
      the foreign registration documents and license plates
    • if the vehicle was registered abroad but was deregistered in Germany before importation
      the foreign registration documents
    • if applicable: confirmation of reservation for the desired license plate number
    • Proof of ownership: purchase contract or original invoice
    • VAT declaration, if applicable
      Vehicles that were first registered in another EU member state no more than 6 months ago or whose mileage to date is less than 6,000 km are deemed to be new vehicles in accordance with § 1b UStG.
    • Proof of inspection in accordance with § 29 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (usually main and exhaust emission test) - (e.g. from the foreign registration documents) -
    • if the vehicle was imported from countries outside the EU (applies to both new and used vehicles) additionally:
      • Clearance certificate from the customs office (available at the border)
      • for vehicles with EC type approval: Proof of inspection in accordance with § 29 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (usually main and exhaust emission test)
      • for vehicles without EC type approval: Expert opinion from an officially recognized expert for motor vehicle traffic or a technical service appointed in accordance with § 30 of the EC Vehicle Approval Regulation for the inspection of complete vehicles of the respective vehicle class (full expert opinion in accordance with § 21 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations)

    Further information can be obtained from your local licensing authority.

    Further documents if necessary, e.g:

    • if you are represented by a third party: your written power of attorney and your identity document (original); the authorized representative must be able to identify himself with his valid identity card/passport.
    • if you are a minor: the written declaration of consent of the legal guardians and their identity cards (original); if applicable, a certificate of sole custody (so-called "negative certificate") for single parents
  • Fees

    The fee is charged in accordance with the German Road Traffic Fee Regulations (GebOSt). The amount depends on various factors. Information can be obtained in individual cases from the local vehicle registration authority.

  • Process

    Please contact the local licensing authority in your district or city.

    As a rule, the local authority responsible is

    - for natural persons, the authority of the place of residence of the vehicle owner (main residence according to the identity card),
    - for legal entities, tradespeople and self-employed persons with a fixed place of business or authorities, the authority of the registered office or the location of the branch or office involved.

  • Deadline

    Note: In order to be able to complete the procedure quickly, it is particularly important to be able to submit all the necessary documents to the responsible office as completely as possible

  • Responsible authority

    Registration office of the district or independent city in whose district your main residence is located.

  • Legal basis

    Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO)

    Law on the payment of overdue costs and late payment surcharges for motor vehicle registration

  • Pointer

    If you have vehicle tax arrears or arrears of fees and expenses from previous registration processes, the registration authority will refuse registration until you have paid these.

    If someone is registering your vehicle on your behalf, the authorized representative must present a written power of attorney from you. This must also contain a declaration of consent that the registration authority may inform the authorized representative of any outstanding fees and expenses.

  • Approved

    Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing

  • Approved date