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Report changes in the professional register for tax consultants

If you are registered in the professional register for tax advisors, you are obliged to report any changes to the relevant chamber of tax advisors.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms
    • Forms: no
    • Online service: no
    • Written form required: no
    • Personal appearance required: no

  • Detailed description

    The professional register is maintained by the competent Chamber of Tax Consultants.

    The following changes must be reported:

    • If you, as a tax advisor or tax agent or tax consulting company, move your professional establishment to the register district. To be entered are:
      • Name, first name,
      • date of birth, place of birth
      • the date of appointment and the authority or chamber of tax advisers that made the appointment
      • authorisation to use the title of "agricultural accountancy office" and titles in accordance with the regulations on professional advisers
      • address of the professional branch and the business e-mail address
      • professional associations within the meaning of Section 56 (1) - (3) of the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG)
      • all other consulting offices and the names of the persons managing the other consulting offices
      • Name and address of the person authorised to receive service of process within the meaning of § 46 Paragraph 2 Number 5 StBerG
      • Existence of a professional ban within the meaning of § 90 Paragraph 1 Number 4 StBerG and, if a representative has been appointed, the appointment of the representative, stating the surname and first name of the representative.
    • If tax consultancy companies are recognised in the registration district or if they move their registered office to the registration district. The following must be entered
      • Company name or name and legal form
      • Date of recognition as a tax consulting company and the highest state authority responsible for tax administration or the chamber of tax consultants that issued the recognition
      • authorisation to use the designation "Landwirtschaftliche Buchstelle" (agricultural accountancy office)
      • registered office and address and the business e-mail address
      • professional associations within the meaning of section 56(2) of the StBerG
      • names of the members of the body appointed to legally represent the company and of the shareholders and partners authorised to represent the company
      • all other consulting offices and the names of the persons managing the other consulting offices
    • If you, as a tax adviser or tax agent, set up further advisory centres in the register district. The following must be entered
      • Name and place of professional establishment of the tax adviser or tax agent.
      • Authorisation to use the designation "Landwirtschaftliche Buchstelle" (agricultural accountancy office)
      • the address of the additional office
      • Name of the person in charge of the additional office
    • If tax consultancy firms establish further consultancy offices in the registration district. The following must be entered:
      • the name, registered office and legal form of the tax consultancy firm
      • Authority to use the designation "agricultural accountancy office
      • Address of the additional advisory office
      • Name of the person managing the additional advisory office

    Notification is not only required for relocations to a specific registration district, but also for relocations out of a registration district. Please report this to the relevant Chamber of Tax Advisors.

    All changes to the facts to be entered must also be reported. The tax consultant in question as well as the tax representative or - in the case of a tax consulting company - the members of the body appointed to legally represent the company or the partners authorised to represent the tax consulting company to be registered are obliged to report.

  • Requirements

    You are a tax adviser, tax agent or member of a tax consulting firm and would like to apply for a change in the professional register.

  • Documents

    Which documents are required in your case depends on the type of change. In case of doubt, please ask the responsible chamber of tax advisors.

  • Fees

    User Charge: (kostenfrei)
    Vorkasse: Nein

  • Process

    You must submit your notice of change to the Chamber of Tax Consultants responsible for you.

    The change in the register will be confirmed to you in writing.

  • Deadline

    Timely notification of changes that have occurred ensures that the professional register kept is always up to date.

    For tax consulting companies, any change in the articles of association, the statutes, the partners or in the person of the authorised representatives must be notified to the competent Chamber of Tax Consultants within one month (Section 49 (4) of the Tax Consulting Act).

  • Responsible authority

    The Brandenburg Chamber of Tax Consultants is responsible for entries in the professional register of the Brandenburg Chamber of Tax Consultants.

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer


  • More information
  • Approved

    Berlin Senate Department for Finance (SenFin)