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Taxing wages from another employment relationship with tax class VI

Wages from all other employment relationships are taxed according to tax class VI.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    If applicable, the company that employs you will need written notification as to whether it is your primary or secondary job.

  • Detailed description

    If you have more than one employment relationship, the company with which you have entered into a main employment relationship will deduct income tax from your wages according to the tax class that corresponds to your marital status for tax purposes. These are the tax classes I to V.

    You usually enter into your first employment relationship or your main employment relationship with the company from which you receive the higher wage.

    For each additional employment relationship (secondary employment relationship), the wage tax deduction must be made according to tax class VI.

    All additional employment relationships must be reported to the main employer.

    An application to the tax office for the assignment of tax class VI is not required.

    If wages are taxed according to tax class VI, you are obliged to submit an income tax return to your responsible tax office (see further information).

  • Requirements

    There are employment relationships with several companies.

  • Documents


  • Fees


  • Process

    You inform the company that employs you whether it is your main or secondary employment relationship. The company with which the secondary employment relationship exists taxes the wages according to tax class VI.

  • Deadline


  • Responsible authority

    The tax office in your place of residence

  • Legal basis

    Section 38b Income Tax Act (EStG);
    Section 39e (4) Income Tax Act (EStG);
    Section 46 (2) of the German Income Tax Act (EStG);

  • More information

    Public authority guide, tax office search on the website of the Federal Central Tax Office

  • Approved

    Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

    Financial Authority - Tax Administration -

  • Approved date