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Have low-threshold services in the care sector recognized

Anyone wishing to offer low-threshold care services to people in need of care must first have them recognized. The application for recognition of services in accordance with § 45a SGB XI is made individually in the federal state in which the service is provided.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    For required forms, please contact the authority responsible for you.

  • Detailed description

    Low-threshold care and relief offers are offers in which helpers under professional guidance

    1. according to § 45c Abs. 3 SGB XI take over the care of the entitled in groups or in the domestic range as well as relieve and advisory support of maintaining members of the family and comparable close care persons,
    2. in accordance with § 45c (3a) SGB XI
      a) support the beneficiaries in the household - in particular with household chores,
      b) accompany the beneficiaries in coping with general or care-related requirements of everyday life,
      c) support the beneficiaries in organizing individually required assistance on their own responsibility,
      d) relieve relatives or similarly close persons in their capacity as caregivers.

    If you want to offer a support service in everyday life, you need to be recognized by the state.
    Each federal state has a competent authority responsible for the recognition procedure.

    You can find more detailed information on the corresponding homepage of the federal states.

    The requirements for recognition are regulated on a state-specific basis.

  • Requirements

    you must ask the relevant state authority for the relevant requirements.

  • Documents
    • the list of required documents differs from state to state
  • Fees

    Information about possible costs can be obtained from the contact person of the respective federal state.

  • Process

    the procedure depends on the respective federal state

  • Duration

    differs in individual cases

  • Deadline

    For deadlines, please contact the person responsible for you.

  • Responsible authority

    State Office for Social Affairs and Supply of the State of Brandenburg

  • Point of contact

    Department 44 - supra-local provider of integration assistance/social welfare

  • Legal basis

    Offers for support in everyday life, conversion of the outpatient benefit in kind (conversion entitlement), prescription authorization:

  • Approved

    The Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Integration and Sport

  • Approved date