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Recognition as a counseling center for pregnancy conflict counseling

If you want to set up a counselling centre for pregnancy conflict counselling, you can do so under certain conditions.

Your responsible authority

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  • Detailed description

    Pregnancy conflict counselling centres advise every woman and every man in questions of sexual education, contraception and family planning as well as in all questions concerning pregnancy.

    In order to set up a pregnancy conflict counselling centre, you must submit an application and meet certain requirements.

  • Requirements

    For recognition as a counselling centre for pregnancy conflict counselling, you must fulfil the following requirements:

    • You must ensure that there is sufficient qualified staff available to provide professional counselling.
    • You must ensure that other specialists can be called in at short notice to carry out the counselling.
    • You must cooperate with all agencies that provide public and private assistance to mothers and children.
    • They must not have any organisational or economic links with any body where abortions are performed.
  • Documents

    Proof of the required qualification of the counselling staff of the counselling centre

  • Process

    In order to be recognised as a counselling centre for pregnancy conflict counselling, you must submit an application.

    • To do this, you can contact a member of staff at the office responsible for you by telephone.
    • There you will receive all information about the necessary application documents and the legal regulations as well as the corresponding forms for your application.
    • The application must be signed in a legally binding manner by the person who can be held liable for the advice centre.
    • You submit the complete application with the attachments to the office responsible for you.
    • After completion of the examination by the application office responsible for you, you will receive a notice of recognition.
    • The notification will contain instructions on what you can do if you do not agree with the decision.
  • Responsible authority

    Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection of the State of Brandenburg

  • Legal basis
  • Pointer

    The individual federal states have specific implementing regulations.

  • More information
  • Approved

    Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

  • Approved date